Birth Center

4.9   |  271 Ratings
1995.2 miles away

Birth Center

4.9   |  271 Ratings

At Swedish Issaquah, the very experienced nursing and care teams know how to make your labor and delivery as comfortable and safe as possible. As an added reassurance, Swedish Issaquah has a Level II Nursery.

If you didn’t know this was a hospital, you might think Swedish Issaquah was an alpine resort. Look out the large windows and all you’ll see are calming views of forested hills and mountains. Inside, you’ll find the very latest features in a birth center: oversized rooms complete with a Jacuzzi tub, birthing balls, squatting bars, iPod docks and HDTVs. In the lobby of Swedish Issaquah, you'll find a Starbucks café and the Comfort & Joy gift shop.

As a TeamBirth hospital, we want to support you through a safe and respectful birth experience. Learn more about TeamBirth and how we’re empowering you as the center of your care team.

When you deliver your baby at Swedish Issaquah, you'll have access to The Lytle Center for Pregnancy & Newborns. Even though it’s located at Swedish First Hill, Issaquah moms and dads are welcome to stop by or call for guidance all the way through your pregnancy, delivery, the first few weeks at home with baby, and beyond. 

Breastfeeding support

Although it’s the most natural thing in the world, breastfeeding is something that both moms and babies need to learn together. To make an appointment with an outpatient lactation consultant in Issaquah, call: 425-313-7000.

The Comfort & Joy shop caters to moms and babies from pregnancy through the first two years of life and offers breastfeeding supplies and pumps for rent. Call 425-313-7097 to learn more.

Download The Birth Center Guide

Labor has started, your baby is on its way – and it's time to get to the hospital! Ideally you’ve already taken a birth center tour of Swedish Issaquah, so you’re familiar with where to go and how to check in. But even if you haven’t, we’ve got the information you need to make getting here as easy as possible.

  • Park anywhere in the patient lots near the main entrance.
  • After arriving, a nurse will greet you and check you into the triage area.
  • Once you’re in your suite, your nurse will have you sign consent forms and ask you a few questions about your health and pregnancy history. She’ll check your blood pressure, temperature and pulse, the baby’s heart rate, and observe your contractions. She’ll take urine and blood samples, and possibly start an IV.
  • If you’ve made a birth plan or have any questions, concerns or requests, now is the time to share them with your nurse.

Professional photos are a great way to capture the early days with your baby. We offer optional photos through Bella Baby Photography

Your Bella Baby photo shoot will take place in the comfort and privacy of your hospital room. Afterward, you can have the photos posted to a password-protected site for sharing and ordering. They’ll be available for 14 days after the photos are taken. Each photo can be ordered in black and white, color, or sepia.

Tips for a great photo shoot
  • Bring a special blanket from home and wrap your baby in it during the photo shoot.
  • Parents’ hands are often incorporated into shots. Wear clear, neutral, or no nail polish to keep the focus on your baby.
  • Moms and dads should bring a solid black, brown or grey shirt to wear in photos where they are holding the baby. These shots look nice in color or black and white.

Swedish Issaquah Birth Center Virtual Tour

  • Swedish Issaquah Birth Center Tour
    Are you interested in learning more about the Birth Center at the Swedish Medical Center Issaquah campus? Join us on this virtual tour and we will share information about what you can expect when you arrive at the hospital. The tour provides a look at a typical birthing room, describes amenities available during delivery, and shares resources that you can access before you give birth, during your stay, and after you return home. This tour is intended to help expectant and new families learn more about welcoming a new baby at Swedish.
  • Recorrido virtual al Centro de Maternidad de Swedish Issaquah
    Hagamos un recorrido virtual por el Centro de Maternidad en el campus de Swedish Issaquah en Issaquah, WA. Queremos que su experiencia de parto en Swedish sea lo más agradable posible.


U.S. News & World Report - High Performing Hospital in Maternity (2025)

Newsweek - America's Best Maternity Hospitals (2024)