Swedish OB/GYN Specialists - Renton

5   |  107 Ratings
2003.6 miles away
Fax: 425-507-2625
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Swedish OB/GYN Specialists - Renton

5   |  107 Ratings
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Providers at Swedish OB/GYN Specialists in Renton offer care that is compassionate and personal. We believe in listening to and partnering with you in your health care – both in prevention and in treatment.

Your needs and desires are important to us, whether you visit us for your birthing experience, follow-up care, women’s issues or lifetime wellness. Our highly skilled and professional registered nurses are available during office hours to answer your questions. They work directly with our providers to make sure you get what you need. Insurance coordinators are always ready to help answer your insurance or billing questions.

Awards & recognition

Congratulations to the Swedish Childbirth teams for winning ParentMap’s 2019 Golden Teddy Awards. We received over 30,000 votes, and ParentMap readers named Swedish one of the beary best for Puget Sound families!

  • Complete range of obstetrical and gynecologic services for women from adolescence through menopause
  • Specializing in minimally invasive laparoscopic and hysteroscopic gynecologic surgical techniques with shortened recovery sometimes eliminating need for hospital stay
  • Complete obstetrical care of both low- and high-risk pregnancies
  • Evaluation and treatment of fibroids using a comprehensive approach including surgical and non-invasive techniques
  • Routine gynecologic care including sexually-transmitted disease testing, contraceptive options, hormonal therapy and annual gynecologic screening exams are also available
  • State-of-the-art outpatient procedures, including Leep procedures, colposcopy and IUD insertion
  • At your first appointment, your provider may discuss care options for those with extremely high-risk pregnancies, including care provided by our maternal fetal specialist partners

To expedite registration, please arrive 20 minutes early to your appointment with the appropriate paperwork fully complete. This will give us the information we need to take the best possible care of you.

New patient forms - Swedish OB/GYN clinics
Established patient forms

If you are coming to us from a provider outside of Swedish, it is helpful for us to have copies of the following from your previous or referring provider:

  • Your most recent health history and physical
  • Your most recent diagnostic studies (pap or other relevant gynecological tests)
  • Any operative reports
  • Any imaging reports