Robotic Surgery | Swedish

Robotic Surgery

Swedish has some of the most experienced robotic surgeons in the country performing robotic procedures of all kinds. Swedish surgeons have amassed a wealth of robotic experience in urology, gynecology, colorectal, thoracic, cardiac and general surgery.

More than 4,000 robotic procedures have been performed here – and many of our surgeons remain among the most experienced in the country. For a growing number of procedures, robotic surgery is replacing open-incision surgery.

Direct benefits to patients include:

  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Less pain after surgery
  • Faster recovery times
  • Minimal scarring
  • Less risk of post-surgical infection

The daVinci Surgical System also provides surgeons with numerous improvements over conventional laparoscopy. With laparoscopy, surgeons use long-handled instruments inserted through small incisions to manipulate surgical instruments. During a laparoscopic procedure, surgeons view the inside of the patient’s body on a flat-screen monitor. In comparison to laparoscopy, robotic-assisted surgery offers:

  • Better visibility through camera magnification
  • Better visibility via three-dimensional and high-definition viewing
  • Instruments with more degrees of freedom of movement - they can move more ways in space than standard laparoscopy instruments
  • Elimination of a surgeon's hand tremor - so movements are more fluid and smoother
  • More instrument precision, resulting in less trauma to the tissues and faster healing

Swedish is committed to treating our patients with robotic surgery, as appropriate, because it typically results in less pain, shorter hospital stays, and quicker recoveries.

At Swedish, we use robotic surgery to treat a wide range of common and rare conditions, including:

  • Achalasia
  • Cardiac conditions
  • Cervical cancer and dysplasia
  • Colorectal conditions
  • Endometrial cancer
  • Endometriosis
  • Hydronephrosis in children
  • Kidney cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Mediastinal masses
  • Menorrhagia
  • Myasthenia Gravis
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Throat and oropharyngeal cancer
  • Thymoma
  • Uterine fibroids

Our experienced surgeons perform robotic procedures to treat a wide variety of diseases and conditions in robotic-equipped operating rooms.

  • Adrenalectomy
  • Bariatric procedures
  • Cardiac procedures
  • Colectomy
  • Distal pancreatectomy
  • Esophageal myotomy
  • Ganglioma removal
  • Hernia surgery
  • Hysterectomy
  • Liver resection
  • Liver, spleen cyst fenestration
  • Lobectomy
  • Myomectomy
  • Partial nephrectomy
  • Prostatectomy
  • Pyeloplasty for children
  • Removing mediastinal masses
  • Retroperitoneal node biopsy
  • Single-incision cholecystectomy (gallbladder)
  • Splenectomy
  • Staging ovarian cancer
  • Thymectomy
  • Trans oral robotic surgery

Swedish built the world's first fully integrated robotic operating suite, and in designing these suites, we helped establish best practices for safety and security.

Surgical suite features include:

  • All wiring and computer cables are hard-wired into the floor and ceiling, creating an obstacle-free operating environment
  • The daVinci Si VisionBoom - a ceiling-mounted pole that holds video components to free up floor space in the operating room
  • Dual consoles allow two surgeons to collaborate on complex procedures - and provide an excellent training tool for physicians learning new robotic techniques
  • Audio and visual equipment that gives surgeons – with signed patient consent – the ability to broadcast live surgeries to symposiums and training sessions across the country

Surgeons from across the country - and around the world - come to Swedish to observe and learn our robotic techniques. Swedish surgeons lecture locally, regionally and nationally and have performed multiple live robotic procedures for national and international symposiums. The enhancements made to the operating suites allow observing surgeons to clearly see what's happening, without bringing additional physicians into the operating room.

Providers Specializing in Robotic Surgery

At Swedish, you'll have access to a vast network of dedicated and compassionate providers who offer personalized care by focusing on treatment, prevention and health education.