Ketogenic Diet Therapy for Epilepsy

A Ketogenic Diet (KD) is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate, and moderate-protein regimen that is a medical treatment for management of seizures. It is a diet approach, altering the body to utilize fat as its primary fuel source instead of carbohydrate by mimicking a fasting state to induce ketone production resulting in the metabolic state called ketosis. In a state of ketosis, ketones are used as an alternative bioenergetic source in place of glucose for the brain, which has been shown to have antiseizure and antiepileptogenic properties although its neurochemical mechanisms are still not completely understood. There are several variations of KD developed including the classic KD, the modified KD, the modified Atkins Diet (MAD), the medium chain triglyceride (MCT) diet, and the low glycemic index treatment (LGIT). Our center has been providing care mostly for the classic KD, the modified KD, and the MAD, which are mostly studied and commonly used these days for seizure control. Ketogenic Diet (KD) is very restrictive in many important nutrients that support growth and maintain optimal health conditions. KD has known and/or potential side effects, so it is considered a medical therapy and strongly advised to be initiated and managed under close medical supervision by the interdisciplinary KD team.

Referral for Ketogenic Diet Therapy

Please contact our Epilepsy center for assessment and evaluation if a patient could be a candidate for the KD therapy. Patient will first be referred to our neurologists and evaluated to determine if a ketogenic diet therapy is appropriate. Neurologist will then refer the patient to one of our ketogenic dietitians for therapeutic diet initiation and management. Please contact Swedish Neuroscience Institute / Epilepsy Center for referral and questions.