Insurance and Billing

Cancer can impose a heavy financial burden on patients and their families. Our goal is to help you understand the insurance and billing process at Swedish Cancer Institute. Learn more in our video Cancer & Finances 101: Addressing financial concerns related to a cancer diagnosis.

Coordination of Insurance Benefits

The Swedish Cancer Institute has financial counselors on staff to help you sort out insurance issues. These counselors will work with your insurance company to verify benefits, coordinate pre-certification or pre-authorization of care if necessary, and coordinate all of this with the medical center’s billing services.

Billing Guide

Our goal at the Swedish Cancer Institute is to help with your understanding of the billing process. You can expect to receive at least two separate bills relating to your care at the Swedish Cancer Institute. This guide should answer any questions you may have regarding your bills.

Types of bills

Depending on what type of care you get, you will receive bills from various departments of Swedish Medical Center. These include bills from:

  • Swedish Physicians Division for visits to your medical oncology doctor. If you have questions about this bill, please call: 1-888- 294-9333.
  • Tumor Institute Radiation Oncology Group for visits to your radiation oncology doctor. If you have questions about this bill, please call: 206-749-5130.
  • Swedish Medical Center for all visits, including your physicians, your nurses, for your chemotherapy and radiation-therapy treatments, for X-rays and for lab work. If you have questions about this bill, please call: 206-320-5300 or 877-406-0438. In addition, Swedish Cancer Institute services at Swedish Issaquah, Swedish Edmonds, and Highline Medical Center are licensed as part of the hospital, and a patient may receive a separate facility charge. 
  • Other care providers related to your treatment. If you receive bills from additional providers besides the ones listed above, please call the number listed on the bill with any questions.

In some instances Swedish will verify your insurance coverage for the facility portion of your services. This does not guarantee payment for the medical services provided. If you’re concerned about insurance overage or what you must pay for your services, please call your insurance company directly. If you have questions regarding the number of bills you may receive, please contact Financial Patient Relations at: 206-386-2562.