Fetal Complications
Fetal complications of pregnancy include birth defects, genetic problems, growth problems and problems due to maternal antibodies. An accurate diagnosis allows us to start treatment during pregnancy and to prepare to treat the newborn at delivery. In many cases, ongoing monitoring allows us to prepare a baby for early delivery, and to decide the best timing for delivery.
Complications We Treat
- Fetal anomalies – or structural birth defects such as fetal heart defects, brain abnormalities and dwarfism
- Fetal growth disorders – when the baby is too big or too small and which can be caused by genetic problems, problems with the placenta or maternal diabetes or hypertension
- Genetic conditions – which may be passed through family or by chance during a pregnancy
- Multiple pregnancies – when there is more than one baby (twins or more) and possible risks to both mother and babies. Fertility treatments and family history may contribute to a woman’s chance of conceiving multiples.
If we identify any fetal complications, we offer numerous services to gather information and manage your pregnancy:
- Genetic counseling, during which counselors will review family history and pregnancy information in detail
- Genetic testing
- Maternal Fetal Medicine physician consultation
- Pediatric specialty consultation and care conference
- Social work
- Additional testing, such as nonstress tests and periodic ultrasounds
- Delivery recommendations, including vaginal or cesarean deliveries